Friday 28 September 2012

Writers & Artists...How to...Succeed!

Writers & Artists...How to...Succeed!
Writers & Artists - -

Book Proposal Secrets
Writers & Artists
How many people have a dream of working from home and making a full-time income? 1000 or MORE ? Yes...
This is likely because most people have experienced the long commutes to and from work as well as feeling like they are overworked and underpaid. However, as with any new venture that you decide to start, you need to first understand exactly what it is you're getting into before you commit yourself. In other words, don't quit your day job until you understand exactly what affiliate marketing is in the first place.
For some people, the idea of working from home on the Internet is very appealing. Some folks have the idea that Internet marketers work in their pyjamas all day long while sipping cups of coffee and listening to their favourite TV programs in the background. Some people may work from home in this kind of environment, but the vast majority of successful Internet marketers don't approach their business this way.

Still waiting for that big break in your writing career?
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Lots of great writers need to be patient.
It takes time to get just the right material in front of just the right agent or publisher.
In the meantime, though, you need to keep moving forward.
You need to keep writing and keep earning.
You need to make sure your skills stay up to scratch, but you also need to be able to support yourself.
And one way to make some quick, extra money is by writing for contests!
And the beauty of it is, it only takes a few minutes of your time, but the rewards can be significant.
Just scribble down a slogan or two, pen a few poems or come up with a tongue-twisting tie-breaker.
These "little ditties" are exactly the kinds of things that consumer-related organizations are after.
They're constantly on the lookout for new ways to promote their products.
They run contests, sweepstakes and competitions to try and promote their goods...
... giving talented writers the chance to earn some extra cash!
And it's not just money, either.
Some of these contests donate prizes in the form of holidays, cars, electronic goods, and so on.
If you know what you're doing, you can CLEAN UP!
That's why I'm delighted to recommend Nick Daws' How to Win Contests.
It includes EVERYTHING you need to know to enter and WIN contests, just by putting your existing skills to use.
It's fast, it's easy, and it's potentially VERY profitable.
So why not give it a try?
At least until your novel becomes a best-seller :)
Visit the official site for more information at:
Order your copy this month and get it for :
Just $26.00 (£15)!
Click on the special discount link below to grab yours right now:
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Thanks for reading & see you next time --
Writers & Artists - -
Daily Quote
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."
-- Alexander Hamilton
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Dear <John>,
The publishing process is a NIGHTMARE.
You spend years perfecting your manuscript. You take months researching the best agents and publishers in town.
You blast out your manuscripts - only to receive a handful of pre-printed rejection slips in return.
So, you get more desperate - and start sending out manuscripts a dozen at a time. More and more. Nobody is interested.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Can you imagine landing yourself a HUGE publishing contract... AND enjoying a five-figure royalty ADVANCE...
... Before you've written even a WORD of your book?
Wouldn't that be a much better solution?
Well, that's how professional writers work - using BOOK PROPOSALS to secure a publishing contract and healthy advance, before they even start work on the manuscript.
But how do you create a KILLER book proposal?
This brand new site unveils ALL the secrets, thanks to the work of publishing mogul, Dan Strauss:
Click on the above link to learn how YOU can avoid the publishing nightmare - and enjoy the real benefits of being an author!
Check it out. You'll be amazed at what you discover!
Paul Thompson.
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Moreover,Still waiting for that big break in your writing career?
Lots of great writers need to be patient.
Writers & Artists - -
It takes time to get just the right material in front of just the right agent or publisher.
In the meantime, though, you need to keep moving forward.
You need to keep writing and keep earning.

You need to make sure your skills stay up to scratch, but you also need to be able to support yourself.
And one way to make some quick, extra money is by writing for contests!
And the beauty of it is, it only takes a few minutes of your time, but the rewards can be significant.
Just scribble down a slogan or two, pen a few poems or come up with a tongue-twisting tie-breaker.
These "little ditties" are exactly the kinds of things that consumer-related organizations are after.
They're constantly on the lookout for new ways to promote their products.
They run contests, sweepstakes and competitions to try and promote their goods...
... giving talented writers the chance to earn some extra cash!
And it's not just money, either.
Some of these contests donate prizes in the form of holidays, cars, electronic goods, and so on.
If you know what you're doing, you can CLEAN UP!
That's why I'm delighted to recommend Nick Daws' How to Win Contests.
It includes EVERYTHING you need to know to enter and WIN contests, just by putting your existing skills to use.
It's fast, it's easy, and it's potentially VERY profitable.
So why not give it a try?
At least until your novel becomes a best-seller :)
Visit the official site for more information at:
Order your copy this month and get it for :
Just $26.00 (15 Pounds)!
Click on the special discount link below to grab yours right now:
Click HERE to Buy & Save!
Thanks for reading & see you next time --
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So what exactly does an overview say?
A typical overview has three parts:
The introduction.
The book hook.
The book description in a nutshell.
The introduction is usually one paragraph (or a few paragraphs if you’re long-winded) and it's like the lead of a newspaper story. Say something intriguing that leads into your book’s subject. The best way to learn to write an introduction is to read newspaper and magazine features. They invariably begin with some attention-getting introductory paragraphs. But make sure your intro is short; if you keep it to one paragraph, all the better. Yukio Mishima (pictured above) wrote wonderful punchy introductions.
Let’s say you’re writing a book about Princess Diana. An introductory paragraph for your book proposal might read: “Who was the most famous woman in the world in 1997? Of course the answer is Princess Diana. And yet there aren't any books about her sense of fashion. This is a real pity because millions of girls and women, and even some men, would love to read about this subject.”
Your book hook is a one-sentence summary of your book. It must contain the title and it must summarize the book concisely. Another thing it usually contains is the phrase “the first book to... [fill in the blank]” because unique books stand a much better chance of selling. A book hook for our hypothetical Princess Di book might read: “DIANA’S FASHIONS is the first book to analyse the wardrobe of the late Princess Diana, explaining what she wore and why.”
Then you go on, in one or more paragraphs, to describe the book. The best way to do this is to outline the book’s major sections. For example: “The book will be divided into two parts. Part One will describe her entire wardrobe. This part of the book will include twelve colour photographs. Part Two will analyse why her clothes were so fashionable.”
The book description should close with an indication of the length of the book and your expected completion date: “The book will be 55,000 words and contain a bibliography, photographs, and an index. The manuscript will be completed six months after receipt of the advance.”
By following this outline, you can write a book overview in a matter of hours or days. All it really takes is some thought, a little research and, most importantly, passion for your subject. Then you’re ready to move on to the next section of the book proposal — the marketing section.
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If you want to earn $100, $200 or even up to $500 a day, and you
don't mind writing some short opinions up, this is the perfect
opportunity for you!

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We recruit people to fill 1000s of jobs for companies like this
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Many of these jobs are simple online writing tasks, such as blogging
about a movie that you recently saw, commenting on what your opinion
is of a certain kind of car, proof reading simple documents and more!

These companies are fighting for exposure on the internet and know
the more people blogging about them, means the more exposure they
are going to get, and ultimately the more money they are going to make.

There has been an explosion in the need for online writers,
regardless of skill. These companies are more interested in your
honest genuine opinions when you're writing blog entries about their
company... not if you are a very talented writer.

If you're looking for work, or just want to make some part time
money on the side, please come check out the jobs we have available.

Almost everyone needs or wants more money coming in, and with
this desire most would like to start some sort of extra income
producing project. The trouble is, not many of these people seem
able to fit "a second job" into their time schedules.
It's true that most people are busy, but extra time for some sort
of home-based extra income producing project can almost always be
found. It may mean giving up or changing a few of your favourite
pastimes--such as having a couple of beers with the guys or
watching TV--but if you score big with your extra income project,
you will have all the time you want for doing whatever you what
to do.
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Efficient time management boils down to planning what you're
going to do, and then doing it without backtracking. Start by
making a list of the things you want to do tomorrow, each evening
before you go to bed. Schedule your trips to the store or
wherever to coincide with the other things you have to do, and
with your trips to or from work. Organize your trips to take care
of as many things as possible while you're out of the house.
take stock of the time you spend on the telephone---and eliminate
all that isn't necessary.
Whatever chores you have to do at home, set aside a specific time
to do them, and a specific amount of time to devote to them. For
instances, just one hour a day devoted to yard work would
probably make your property the envy of all your neighbours. Don't
try to do a week's work in one big flurry. Whether it's painting
your house, fixing leaky faucets, or mowing your lawn and
trimming your shrubs, do a part of it, or one particular job each
day, and you'll be amazed at your progress.

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those bills and letters pile up on you. If you're unable to pay a
bill immediately, file it in a special place that's visible, and
note on the envelope the date you intend to pay it. Answer your
letters the same day you get them.
Once you start listing and planning what to do, and then carry
out your plans, you'll find plenty of "extra time" for handling
virtually any kind of home-based income producing project. People
in general may not like routines or schedules, but without some
sort of plan as to what is supposed to be done, the world would
be mired in mass confusion. Laws, ordinances and regulations are
for the purpose of guiding people. We live according to an
accepted plan or way of life, and the better we can organize
ourselves, the more productive and happy we become.

The secret of all financially successful people is simply that
they are organized and do not waste time. Think about it. Review
your own activities, and then see if you can't find a couple of
extra hours in each day for more constructive accomplishments.
When you begin planning, and then when you really become involved
in an extra income producing endeavor, you should work it exactly
as you have organized your regular day-to-day activities---on a
time basis. Do what has to be done immediately. Don't try to get
done in a hour something that's realistically going to take a
week. Plan out on paper what you have to do--what you want to
do--and when you are going to do it. Then get right on each
project without procrastination.
Finally, and above all else, when you're organizing your time and
your business, be sure to set aside some time for relaxation. Be
sure to schedule time when you and your spouse can be together.
You must not involve yourself to an extent that you exclude other
people--particularly your loved ones--from your life.
Taking stock of the time you waste each day, and from there,
reorganizing your activities is what it's all about. It's a
matter of becoming more efficient in the use of your time. It's
really easy to do, and you will not only accomplish a lot more,
you will also find greater fulfilment in your life.

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Book Proposal Secrets
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The task of raising money for a business is not as difficult as
most people seem to think. This is especially true when you have
an idea that can make you and your backers rich. Actually,
there's more money available for new business ventures than there
are good business ideas.
A very important rule of the game to learn: Any time you want to
raise money, your first move should be to put together a proper
This prospectus should include a resume of your background, your
education, training, experience and any other personal qualities
that might be counted as an asset to your potential success. It's
also a good idea to list the various loans you've had in the
past, what they were for, and your history in paying them off.
You'll have to explain in detail how the money you want is going
to be used. If it's for an existing business, you'll need a
profit and loss record for at least the preceding six months, and
a plan showing how this additional money will produce greater
profits. If it's a new business, you'll have to show your
proposed business plan, your marketing research and projected
costs, as well as anticipated income figures, with a summary for
each year, over at least a three year period.
It'll be advantageous to you to base your cost estimates high,
and your income projections on minimal returns. This will enable
you to "ride through" those extreme "ups and downs" inherent in
any beginning business. You should also describe what makes your
business unique---how it differs form your competition and the
opportunities for expansion or secondary products.
This prospectus will have to state precisely what you're offering
the investor in return for the use of his money. He'll want to
know the percentage of interest you're willing to pay, and
whether monthly, quarterly or on an annual basis. Are you
offering a certain percentage of the profits? A percentage of the
business? A seat on your board of directories?
An investor uses his money to make more money. He wants to make
as much as he can, regardless whether it's short term or long
term deal. In order to attract him, interest him, and persuade
him to "put up" the money you need, you'll not only have to offer
him an opportunity for big profits, but you'll have to spell it
out in detail, and further, back up your claims with proof from
your marketing research.
Venture investors are usually quite familiar with "high risk"
proposals, yet they all want to minimize that risk as much as
possible. Therefore, your prospectus should include a listing of
your business and personal assets with documentation---usually
copies of your tax returns for the past three years or more. Your
prospective investor may not know anything about you or your
business, but if he wants to know, he can pick up his telephone
and know everything there is to know within 24 hours. The point
here is, don't ever try to "con" a potential investor. Be honest
with him. Lay all the facts on the table for him. In most cases,
if you've got a good idea and you've done your homework properly,
and "interested investor" will understand your position and offer
more help than you dared to ask.
When you have your prospectus prepared, know how much money you
want, exactly how it will be used, and how you intend to repay
it, you're ready to start looking for investors.
As simple as it seems, one of the easiest ways of raising money
is by advertising in a newspaper or a national publication
featuring such ads. Your ad should state the amount of money you
want--always ask for more money than you have room for
negotiating. Your ad should also state the type of business
involved ( to separate the curious from the truly interested),
and the kind of return you're promising on the investment.
Take a page from the party plan merchandisers. Set up a party and
invite your friends over. Explain your business plan, the profit
potential, and how much you need. Give them each a copy of your
prospectus and ask that they pledge a thousand dollars as a
non-participating partner in your business. Check with the
current tax regulations. You may be allowed up to 25 partners in
Sub Chapter S enterprises, opening the door for anyone to gather
a group of friends around himself with something to offer them in
return for their assistance in capitalizing his business.
You can also issue and sell up to $300,000 worth of stock in your
company without going through the Federal Trade Commission.
You'll need the help of an attorney to do this, however, and of
course a good tax accountant as well wouldn't hurt.
It's always a good idea to have an attorney and an accountant
help you make up your business prospectus. As you explain your
plan to them, and ask for their advice, casually ask them if
they'd mind letting you know of, or steer your way any potential
investors they might happen to meet. Do the same with your
banker. Give him a copy of your prospectus and ask him if he'd
look it over and offer any suggestions for improving it, and of
course, let you know of any potential investors. In either case,
it's always a good idea to let them know you're willing to pay a
"finder's fee" if you can be directed to the right investor.
Professional people such as doctors and dentists are known to
have a tendency to join occupational investment groups. The next
time you talk with your doctor or dentist, give him a prospectus
and explain your plan. He may want to invest on his own or
perhaps set up an appointment for you to talk with the manager of
his investment group. Either way, you win because when you're
looking for money, it's essential that you get the word out as
many potential investors as possible.
Don't overlook the possibilities of the Small Business Investment
Companies in your area. Look them up in your telephone book under
"Investment Services." These companies exist for the sole purpose
of lending money to businesses which they feel have a good chance
of making money. In many instances, they trade their help for a
small interest in your company.
Many states have Business Development Commissions whose goal is
to assist in the establishment and growth of new businesses. Not
only do they offer favorable taxes and business expertise, most
also offer money or facilities to help a new business get
started. Your Chamber of Commerce is the place to check for
further information of this idea.
Industrial banks are usually much more amenable to making
business loans than regular banks, so be sure to check out these
institutions in your area. insurance companies are prime sources
of long term business capital, but each company varies its
policies regarding the type of business it will consider. Check
your local agent for the name and address of the person to
contact. It's also quite possible to get the directories of
another company to invest in your business. Look for a company
that can benefit from your product or service. Also, be sure to
check at your public library for available foundation grants.
These can be the final answer to all your money needs if your
business is perceived to be related to the objectives and
activities of the foundation.
Finally, there's the Money broker or Finder. These are the people
who take your prospectus and circulate it with various known
lenders or investors. They always require an up-front or retainer
fee, and there's no way they can guarantee to get you the loan or
the money you want.
There are many very good money brokers, and there are some that
are not so good. They all take a percentage of the gross amount
that's finally procured for your needs. The important thing is to
check them out fully; find out about the successful loans or
investment plans they're arranged, and what kind of investor
contacts they have---all of this before you put up any front
money or pay any retainer fees.
There are many ways to raise money---from staging garage sales to
selling stocks. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the only
place you can find the money you need is through the bank or
finance company.
Start thinking about the idea of inviting investors to share in
your business as silent partners. Think about the idea of
obtaining financing for a primary business by arranging financing
for another business that will support the start-up,
establishment and developing of the primary business. Consider
the feasibility of merging with a company that's already
organized, and with facilities that are compatible or related to
your needs. Give some thought to the possibilities of getting the
people supplying your production equipment to co-sign the loan
you need for start-up capital.
Remember, there are thousands upon thousands of ways to obtain
business start-up capital. This is truly the age of creative
Disregard the stories you hear of "tight money," and start making
phone calls, talking to people, and making appointments to
discuss your plans with the people who have money invest. There's
more money now than there's ever been for a new business
investment. The problem is that most beginning "business
builders" don't know what to believe or which way to turn for
help. They tend to believe the stories of "tight money," and they
set aside their plans for a business of their own until a time
when start-up money might be easier to find.
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The truth is this: Now is the time to make your move. Now is the
time to act. the person with a truly viable business plan, and
determination to succeed, will make use of every possible idea
that can be imagined. And the ideas I've suggested here should
serve as just a few of the unlimited sources of monetary help
available and waiting for you!

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Every year, several thousand people develop an interest in "going
into business." Many of these people have an idea, a product or a
service they hope to promote into an income producing business
which they can operate from their homes.
If you are one of these people, here are some practical thoughts
to consider before hanging out the "Open for Business" sign.
In areas zoned "Residential Only," your proposed business could
be illegal. In many areas, zoning restrictions rule out home
businesses involving the coming and going of many customers,
clients or employees. Many businesses that sell or even store
anything for sale on the premises also fall into this category.
Be sure to check with your local zoning office to see how the
ordinances in your particular area may affect your business
plans. You may need a special permit to operate your business
from your home; and you may find that making small changes in
your plan will put you into the position of meeting zoning
Many communities grant home occupation permits for businesses
involve typing, sewing, and teaching, but turn thumbs down on
requests from photographers, interior decorators and home
improvement businesses to be run from the home. And often, even
if you are permitted to use your home for a given business, there
will be restrictions that you may need to take into
consideration. By all means, work with your zoning people, and
save yourself time, trouble and dollars.
One of the requirements imposed might be off street parking for
your customers or patrons. And, signs are generally forbidden in
residential districts. If you teach, there is almost always a
limit on the number of students you may have at any one time.
Obtaining zoning approval for your business, then, could be as
simple as filling out an application, or it could involve a
public hearing. The important points the zoning officials will
consider will centre around how your business will affect the
neighbourhood. Will it increase the traffic noticeably on your
street? Will there be a substantial increase in noise? And how
will your neighbours feel about this business alongside their
To repeat, check into the zoning restrictions, and then check
again to determine if you will need a city license. If you're
selling something, you may need a vendor's license, and be
required to collect sales taxes on your transactions. The sale
tax requirement would result in the need for careful record
Licensing can be an involved process, and depending upon the type
of business, it could even involve the inspection of your home to
determine if it meets with local health and building and fire
codes. Should this be the case, you will need to bring your
facilities up to the local standards. Usually this will involve
some simple repairs or adjustments that you can either do
personally, or hire out to a handyman at a nominal cost.
Still more items to consider: Will your homeowner's insurance
cover the property and liability in your new business? This must
definitely be resolved, so be sure to talk it over with your
insurance agent.
Tax deductions, which were once one of the beauties of engaging
in a home business, are not what they once were. To be eligible
for business related deductions today, you must use that part of
your home claimed EXCLUSIVELY AND REGULARLY as either the
principal location of your business, or place reserved to meet
patients, clients or customers.
An interesting case in point: if you use your den or a spare
bedroom as the principal place of business, working there from
8:00 to 5:00 every day, but permit your children to watch TV in
that room during evening hours, the IRS dictates that you cannot
claim a deduction for that room as your office or place of
There are, however, a couple of exceptions to the "exclusive use"
rule. One is the storage on inventory in your home, where your
home is the location of your trade or business, and your trade or
business is the selling of products at retail or wholesale.
According to the IRS, such storage space must be used on a
REGULAR Basis, and be separately identifiable space.
Another exception applies to day-care services that are provided
for children, the elderly, or physically or mentally handicapped.
This exception applies only if the owner of the facility complies
with the state laws for licensing.
To be eligible for business deductions, your business must be an
activity undertaken with the intent of making profit. It's
presumed you meet this requirement if your business makes a
profit in any two years of a five-year period.
Once you are this far along, you can deduct business expenses
such as supplies, subscriptions to professional journals, and an
allowance for the business use of your car or truck. You can also
claim deductions for home related business expenses such as
utilities, and in some cases, even a new paint job for your home.

The IRS is going to treat the part of your home you use for
business as though it were a separate piece of property. This
means that you'll have to keep good records and take care not to
mix business and personal matters. No specific method of record
keeping is required, but your records must clearly justify and
deductions you claim.
You can begin by calculating what percentage of the house is used
for business, Either by number of rooms or by area in square
footage. Thus, if you use one of the five rooms for your
business, the business portion is 20 percent. If you run your
business out of a room that's 10 by 12 feet, and the total area
of your home is 1,200 square feet, the business space factor is
10 percent.

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An extra computation is required if your business is a home day
care centre. This is one of the exempted activities in which the
exclusive use rule doesn't apply. Check with your tax preparer
and the IRS for an exact determination.
If you're a renter, you can deduct the part of your rent which is
attributable to the business share of your house or apartment.
Homeowners can take a deduction based on the depreciation of the
business portion of their house.
There is a limit to the amount you can deduct. This is the amount
equal to the gross income generated by the business, minus those
home expenses you could deduct even if you weren't operating a
business from your home. As an example, real estate taxes and
mortgage interest are deductible regardless of any business
activity in your home, so you must subtract from your business
gross income the percentage that's allocable to the business
portion of your home. You thus arrive at the maximum amount for
home-related business deductions.
If you are self-employed, you claim your business deductions on
emphasizes that claiming business-at-home deductions does not
automatically trigger an audit on your tax return. Even so, it is
always wise to keep meticulously within the proper guidelines,
and of course keep detailed records if you claim business related
expenses when you are working out of your home. You should
discuss this aspect of your operation with your tax preparer or a
person qualified in the field of small business tax requirements.
If your business earnings aren't subject to withholding tax, and
your estimated federal taxes are $100 or more, you'll probably be
filing a Declaration of Estimated Tax, Form 1040 ES. To complete
this form, you will have to estimate your income for the coming
year and also make a computation of the income tax and
self-employed tax you will owe.
The self-employment taxes pay for Social Security coverage.
If you have a salaried job covered by Social Security, the
self-employment tax applies only to that amount of your home
business income that, when added to your salary, reaches the
current ceiling. When you file your Form 1040-ES, which is due
April 15, you must make the first of four equal instalment
payments on your estimated tax bill.
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Another good way to trim taxes is by setting up a Keogh plan or
an Individual Retirement Account. With either of these, you can
shelter some of your home business income from taxes by investing
it for your retirement.

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When you're doing research or looking for information on a
particular subject, it's a lot like a detective checking all his
possible clues. The important thing is knowing who and where your
sources are.
In almost all instances, your first move should be to your
encyclopaedia. if you don't have an up-to-date set, there's always
your public library.
Most of the time, and encyclopaedia will give you at least the
general facts about your subject. You may have to check other
sources for more detailed information.
Thus, your next move should be books that have been written on
the subject. The subject and title sections of the card catalog
or the bound volumes of computer printouts in most public
libraries will give you plenty of listings.
After you've selected a number of books for background
information, check the magazines either directly related to your
subject, or those carrying articles on the subject. Most of the
time, you'll find that magazines will provide you with more
up-to-date timely information than books.
To check out information on your subject in magazines, look in
the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. Under subject and
author headings, the complete collection of this guide will list
articles printed in magazines since the turn of the century. The
Suggestions For Use section will instruct you on how to read the
codes under each heading. If you can't find your subject listed,
think of similar subjects that might be related.
If your subject is part of a particular field of study, there may
be a special index that will help you. Among these special
indexes, you'll find: Art Index, Business Periodicals Index,
Consumers Index, Education Index, Humanities Index, Social
Science Index, Biological and Agricultural Index, and Applies
Sciences and Technology Index. You'll even find a Popular
Periodicals Index which lists articles that have appeared in
currently popular magazines.
You'll also find that most newspapers are veritable goldmines of
reference material. Most of the big city newspapers have
computerized indexes. Several of the special national newspapers
such as Wall Street Journal also have reference indexes.
Without a doubt, the New York Times Index is the most complete.
In these newspaper indexes, subjects and people are listed
alphabetically with the date, page number, and usually with the
number of columns devoted to that particular story. About all you
have to do to avail yourself of this information is to stop by
the newspaper office, tell them the kind of information you're
looking for, and ask their help in locating it within their
FACTS ON FILE: is a world news digest that's found at most public
libraries. This is a weekly publication that's broken down into
four categories; World Affairs, U.S Affairs, Other Nations, and
EDITORIALS ON FILE: is a similar service that comes out twice
each month. It is a survey of newspaper editorials than span a
wide range of subjects.
If you want to known about business trends, you should ask for
and look at the Moody's reports. These cover banking and finance,
industry and public utilities.
Most large libraries also keep pamphlet files for brochures from
various information services and government agencies. Be sure to
ask about these.
Whenever you have a question or want more information on a
subject, always check first in the material that has been written
about it. Public libraries and newspapers are free, and will
definitely point you in the right direction even if you don't
know much about sources.
One of the best sources of information is people. Ask around and
more often than not, you'll find someone right in your own area
who is well versed on your subject. An introductory phone call
and an explanation as why you're researching the subject will
almost always lead you to many people who'll be glad to talk with
Interviewing and talking with people will give you the chance to
ask questions and hear specific explanations about details that
may not be fully covered in a book, newspaper or other
Researching and gathering information on a particular subject can
be fun, exciting, and very informative. It will never be dull or
boring. The important thing is to search out all the available
sources, and then to take advantage of them. From there, you'll
find it's very much like putting a jigsaw puzzle together; the
closer you get to completing the picture, the more excited you
Many people find that when they begin a research project on a
specific subject, they quickly uncover so many interesting
related subjects that it's hard to confine their enthusiasm to
just the one subject. This is what learning is all about,
regardless of the use you eventually make of the informative you
gather. The more you learn, the more you want to learn.
Curiosity about all things, and good, basic research are the
prime requisites for any successful writer. To have read about or
experienced only a few aspects of a given subject won't interest
very many people. What the people want is a thorough discussion
of the subject from as many different points of view as possible.
This, of course, requires research, and to do research, you have
to know where to find the material you want.
Hopefully, we've "turned you own" with the idea that the
information you're interested in is available and virtually at
your fingertips. All it takes is just a bit of effort on your
part to avail yourself of it. Just remember, whatever has been
thought of or dreamed of by man since the reasonable amount of

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The most important aspect of any business is selling the product
or service. Without sales, no business can exist for very long.

All sales begin with some form of advertising. To build sales,
this advertising must be seen or heard by potential buyers, and
cause them to react to the advertising in some way. The credit
for the success, or the blame for the failure of almost all ads,
reverts back to the ad itself.
Generally, the "ad writer" wants the prospect to do one of the
Visit the store to see and judge the product for himself, or
immediately write a check and send for the merchandise being
Phone for an appointment to hear the full sales presentation, or
write for further information which amounts to the same thing.
The bottom line in any ad is quite simple:
To make the reader buy the product or service. Any ad that causes
the reader to only pause in his thinking, to just admire the
product, or to simply believe what is written about the
product--is not doing it's job completely.
The "ad writer" must know exactly what he wants his reader to do,
and any ad that does not elicit the desired action is an absolute
waste of time and money.
In order to elicit the desired action from the prospect, all ads
are written according to a simple "master formula" which is:
1) Attract the ATTENTION of your prospect
2) INTEREST your prospect in the product
3) Cause your prospect to DESIRE the product
4) Demand ACTION from the prospect
Never forget the basic rule of advertising copywriting; If the ad
is not read, it won't stimulate any sales, if it is not seen, it
cannot be read; and if it does not command or grab the attention
of the reader, it will not be seen!
Most successful advertising copywriters know these fundamentals
backwards and forwards. Whether you know them already or you're
just now being exposed to them, your knowledge and practice of
these fundamentals will determine the extent of your success as
an advertising copywriter.
Classified ads are the ads from which all successful businesses
are started. These small, relatively inexpensive ads, give the
beginner an opportunity to advertise his product or service
without losing his shirt if the ad doesn't pull or the people
don't break his door down with demand for his product. Classified
ads are written according to all the advertising rules. What is
said in a classified ad is the same that is said in an larger,
more elaborate type of ad, expecting in condensed form.
To start learning how to write good classified ads, clip ten
classified ads from ten different mail order type
publications--ads that you think are pretty good. Paste each of
these ads onto a separate sheet of paper.

Analyze each of these ads; How has the writer attracted your
attention--what about the ads keeps your interest--are you
stimulated to want to know more about the product being
advertised--and finally, what action must you take? Are all of
these points covered in the ad? How strongly are you "turned on"
by each of these ads?
Rate these ads on a scale form one to ten, with ten being the
best according to the formula I've given you. Now, just for
practice, without, clipping the ads, do the same thing with ten
different ads from Sears, Wards, or The Penny's catalog. In fact,
every ad you see from now on, quickly analyze it, and rate it
somewhere on your scale. If you'll practice this exercise on a
regular basis, you'll soon be able to quickly recognize the
"Power Points" of any ad you see, and know within your own mind
whether an ad is good, bad, or otherwise, and what makes it so.
Practice for an hour each day, write the ads you've rated 8, 9,
and 10 exactly as they have been written. This will give you the
"feel" of the fundamentals and style necessary in writing
classified ads.
Your next project will be to pick out what you consider to be the
ten 'worst' ads you can find in the classified section. Clip
these out and paste them onto a sheet of paper so you can work
with them.
Read these ads over a couple of times, and then beside each of
them, write a short comment why you think it is bad; Lost in the
crowd, doesn't attract attention--doesn't hold the readers
interest--nothing special to make the reader want to own the
product--no demand for action.
You probably already know what is coming next, and that is right.
Break out those pencils, erasers and scratch paper-- and start
rewriting these ads to include the missing elements.
Each day for the next month, practice writing the ten best ads
for an hour, just the way the were originally written. Pick out
the ten worst ads, analyze those ads, and then practice rewriting
those until they measure up to doing the job they were intended
to do.
Once you're satisfied that the ads you've rewritten are perfect,
go back into each ad and cross out the words that can be
eliminated without detracting from the ad. Classified ads are
almost always "finalized" in the style of a telegram.
EXAMPLE; I'll arrive at 2-o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the 15th.
Meet me at Sardi's. All my love, Jim.
EDITED FOR SENDING; Arrive at 2-pm-15th Sardi's. Love, Jim.
CLASSIFIED AD; Save on your food bills! Reduced prices on every
shelf in the store! Stock up now while supplies are complete!
Come in today, Jerrys' Family Supermarket!
EDITED FOR PUBLICATION; Save on Food! Everything bargain priced!
Limited supplies! Hurry! Jerry's Markets!
It takes dedicated and regular practice, but you can do it.
Simply recognize and understand the basic formula--practice
reading and writing the good ones--and rewriting the bad ones to
make them better. Practice, and keep at ie, over and over, every
day--until the formula, the idea, and the feel of this kind of ad
writing becomes second nature to you. This is the ONLY WAY to
gain expertise writing good classified ads.
A display or space ad differs from a classified ad because it has
headline, layout, and because the style is not telegraphic.
However, the fundamentals of writing the display ad or space are
exactly the same as for a classified ad. The basic difference is
that you have more room in which to emphasize the "master
Most successful copywriters rate the headline and/or the lead
sentence of an ad as the most important part of the ad, in
reality, you should do the same. After all, when your ad is
surrounded by hundreds of other ads, and information or
entertainment, what makes you thing anyone is going to see your
particular ad?
The truth is, they're not going to see your ad unless you can
"grab" their attention and entice them to real all of what your
have to say. Your headline, or lead sentence when no headline is
used, has to make it MORE DIFFICULT for your prospect to ignore,
or pass over, than to stop and read your ad. If you don't capture
the attention of your reader with your headline, anything beyond
is useless effort and wasted money.
Successful advertising headlines--in classified ads, your first
three to five words serve as your headline--are written as
promises, either implied or direct. The former promises to show
you how to save money, make money, or attain a desired goal. The
latter is a warning against something undesireable.
Example OF A PROMISE; Are You Ready To Become A Millionaire--In
Just 18 Months?
EXAMPLE OF A WARNING; Do You Make These Mistakes In English?
In both examples. I have posed a question as the headline.
Headlines that ask a question seem to attract the reader's
attention almost as surely as a moth is drawn to a flame. Once he
has seen the question, he just can't seem to keep himself from
reading the rest of the ad to find out the answer. The best
headline questions are those that challenge the reader; that
involve his self esteem, and do not allow him to dismiss you
question with a simple yes or no.
You'll be the envy of your friends is another kind of "reader
appeal" to incorporate into your headline whenever appropriate.
The appeal has to do with basic psychology; everyone wants to be
well thought of and consequently, will read into the body of your
ad and find out how he can gain the respect and accolades of his
Where ever and whenever possible, use colloquialisms or words
that are usually found in advertisements. The idea is to shock or
shake the reade out of his reverie and cause him to take notice
of your ad. Most of the headlines you see today in and day out,
have a certain sameness with just the words rearranged. The
reader may see these headlines with his eyes, but his brain fails
to focus on any of them because there is nothing different or out
of the ordinary to arrest his attention.
Example OF COLLOQUIALISM; Are You Developing A POT BELLY?
Another attention--grabber kind of headline is the comparative
price headline; Three For only $3, Regularly $3 Each! Still
another of the "tried and proven" kind of headlines is the
specific question; Do You Suffer From These Symptoms. And of
course, if you offer a strong guarantee, you should say so in
your headline; Your Money Refunded, If You Don't Make $100,000
Your First Year.
How To headlines have a very strong basic appeal, but in some
instances, they are better used as book titles than advertising
headlines. Who else wants in on the finer things--which your
product or service presumably offers--is another approach with a
strong reader appeal. The psychology here being the need of
everyone to belong to a group--complete with status and prestige
Whenever, and as often as you can possibly work it in, you should
use the word "you" in your headline, and throughout your copy.
After all, your ad should be directed to "one" person, and the
person reading your ad wants to feel that you're talking to him
personally, not everyone who lives on his street.
Personalize, and be specific! You can throw the teachings of your
English teachers out the window, and the rules of "third person,
singular" or whatever else tends to inhibit your writing.
Whenever you sit down to write advertising copy intended to pull
the orders--sell the product--you should picture yourself in a
one-on-one situation and "talk" to your reader just as if you are
sitting across from him at your dining room table. Say what you
mean, and sell HIM on the product your offering. Be specific and
ask him if these are the things that bother him--are these the
things he wants--and he is the one you want to buy the product...
The layout you devise for your ad, or the frame you build around
it, should also command attention. either make it so spectacular
that it stands out like a lobster at a chili dinner, or so
uncommonly simple that it catches the reader's eye because of its
very simplicity. It's also important that you don't get cute with
a lot of unrelated graphics and artwork. Your ad should convey th
feeling of excitement and movement, but should not tire the eyes
or disrupt the flow the message you are trying to present.
Any graphics or artwork you use should be relevant to your
product, its use and/ or the copy you've written about it.
Graphics should not be used as artistic touches, or to create an
atmosphere. Any illustrates with your ad should compliment the
selling of your product, and prove or substantiate specific
points in your copy.
Once you have your reader's attention, the only way you're going
to keep it, is by quickly and emphatically telling him what your
product will do for him.
Your potential buyer doesn't care in the least how long it's
taken you to produce the product, how long you have been in
business, nor how many years you have spent learning your craft.
He wants to know specifically how he's going to benefit from the
purchase of your product.
Generally, his wants will fall into one of the following
categories: Better health, more comfort, more money, more leisure
time, more popularity, greater beauty, success and/or security.
Even though you have your reader's attention, you must follow
through with an ennumeration of the benefits he can gain. In
essence, you must reiterate the advantages, comfort and happiness
he will enjoy--as you have implied in your headline.
Mentally picture your prospect--determine his wants and emotional
needs--put yourself in his shoes, and ask yourself: If I were
reading this ad, what are the things that would appeal to me?
write your copy to appeal to your reader's wants and emotional
needs/ego cravings.
Remember, it's not the "safety features" that have sold cars for
the past 50 years--nor has it been the need of transportation--it
has been, and almost certainly always will be the advertising
writer's recognition of the people's wants and emotional
needs/ego cravings. Visualize your prospect, recognize what he
wants: and satisfy them. Writing good advertising copy is nothing
more or less than knowing "who" your buyers are; recognizing what
he wants; and telling him how your product will fulfill each of
those wants. Remember this because it's one of the "vitally
important" keys to writing advertising copy that does the job you
intend for it to do.
The "desire" portion of your ad is where you present the facts of
your product; create and justify your prospect's conviction, and
cause him to demand "a piece of the action" for himself.
It's vitally necessary that you present "proven facts" about your
product because survey results show that at least 80% of the
people reading your ad--especially those reading it for the first
time--will tend to question its authenticity.
So, the more facts you can present in the ad, the more credible
your offer. As you write this part of your ad, always remember
that the more facts about the product you present, the more
product you'll sell. People want facts as reason, and/or excuses
for buying a product--to justify to themselves and others, that
they haven't been "taken" by a slick copywriter.
It's like the girl who wants to marry the guy her father calls
a "no good bum". Her heart--her emotions--tell her yes, but she
needs facts to nullify the seed od doubt lingering in her
mind--to rationalize her decision to go on with the wedding.
In other words, the "desire" portion of your ad has to build
belief and credibility in mind of your prospect. It has to assure
him of his good judgement in the final decision to buy- furnish
evidence of the benefits you've promised--and afford him a
"safety net" in case anyone should question his decision to buy.
People tend to believe the things that appeal to their individual
desires, fears and other emotions. Once you've established a
belief in this manner, logic and reasoning are used to support
it. People believe what they "want to believe. Your reader
"wants" to believe your ad if he has read through this far--it's
up to you to support his initial desire.
Study your product and everything about it--visualize the wants
of your prospective buyers--dig up the facts, and you'll almost
always find plenty of facts to support the buyer's reason for
Here is where you use the results of tests conducted, growing
sales figures to prove increasing popularity, and "user"
testimonials or endorsements. It's also important that you
present these facts-test results, sales figures and/or
testimonials-from the consumer point of view, and not that of the
Before you end this portion of your ad and get into you demand
for action, summarize everything you've presented thus far. Draw
a mental picture for your potential buyer. Let him image owning
the product. Induce him to visualize all the benefits you've
promised. Give him the keys to seeing himself richer, enjoying
luxury, having time to do whatever he'd like to do, and with all
of his dreams fulfilled.
This can be handled in one or two sentences, or spelled out in a
paragraph or more, but it's the absolute ingredient you must
include prior to closing the sale. Study all the sales
presentations you've ever heard-look at every winning ad-this is
the element included in all of them that actually makes the sale
for you. remember it, use it, and don't try to sell anything
without it.
As Victor Schwab puts so succinctly in his best selling book, How
To Write a Good Advertisement: Every one of the fundamentals in
the "master formula" is necessary. Those people who are "easy" to
sell may perhaps be sold even if some of these factors are left
out, but it's wiser to plan advertisement so that it will have a
powerful impact upon those who are the "hardest" to sell. For,
unlike face-to-face selling, we cannot in printed advertising
come to a "trail close" in our sales talk-in order to see if
those who are easier to sell will welcome the dotted line without
further persuasion. We must assume that we are talking to the
hardest ones-and that the more thoroughly our copy sells both the
hard and the easy, the better chance we have against the
competition for the consumer's dollar-and also the less dependent
we will be upon the usual completely ineffective follow-through
on our advertising effort which later takes place at the sales
counter itself.
Lots of ads are beautiful, almost perfectly written, and quite
convincing-yet they fail to ask for or demand action from the
reader. If you want the reader to have your product, then tell
him so and demand that he send his money now. Unless you enjoy
entertaining your prospects with your beautiful writing skills,
always demand that he complete the sale now, by taking action
now-by calling a telephone number and ordering, or by writing his
check and rushing it to the post office.
Once you've got him on the hook, land him! Don't let him get
Probably, one of the most common and best methods of moving the
reader to act now, is written in some of the following:
All of this can be yours! You can start enjoying this new way of
life immediately, simply by sending a check for $xx! don't put it
off, then later wish you had gotten in on the ground floor! Make
out that check now, and be IN on the ground floor! Act now, and
as an "early bird" buyer, we'll include a big bonus
package-absolutely free, simply for acting immediately! You win
all the way! We take all the risk! If you're not satisfied simply
return the product and we'll quickly refund your money! Do it
now! Get that check on its way to us today, and receive the big
bonus package! After next week, we won't be able to include the
bonus as a part of this fantastic deal, so act now! The sooner
you act, the more you win!
Offering a reward of some kind will almost always stimulate the
prospect to take action. However, in mentioning the reward or
bonus, be very careful that you don't end up receiving primarily
requests for the bonus with mountains of request for refunds on
the product to follow. The bonus should be mentioned only
casually if you're asking for product orders; and with lots of
fanfare only when you're seeking inquiries.
Too often the copywriter, in his enthusiasm to pull in a record
number of responses, confuse the reader by "forgetting about the
product" and devoting his entire space allotted for the "demand
for action" to sending for the bonus. Any reward offered should
be closely related to the product, and a bonus offered only for
immediate action on the part of the potential buyer.
Specify a time limit. Tell your prospect that he must act within
a certain time limit or lose out on the bonus, face probably
higher prices, or even the withdraw of your offer. This is always
a good hook to get action.
Any kind of guarantee you offer always helps to produce action
from the prospect. And the more liberal you can make your
guarantee, the more product orders you'll receive. Be sure you
state the guarantee clearly and simply. Make it so easy to
understand that even a child would not misinterpret what you're
The action you want your prospect to take should be easy-clearly
stated-and devoid of any complicated procedural steps on his
part, or numerous directions for him to follow.
Picture your prospect, very comfortable in his favourite easy
chair, idly flipping thru a magazine while "half watching" tv. He
notices your ad, reads thru it, and he is sold on your product.
Now what does he do?
Remember, he is very comfortable-you've "grabbed" his attention,
sparked his interest, painted a picture of him enjoying a new
kind of satisfaction, and he is ready to buy...
Anything and everything you ask or cause him to do is going to
disrupt this aura of comfort and contentment. Whatever he must do
had better be simple, quick and easy!
Tell him without any ifs, ands or buts, what to do-fill out the
coupon, include your check for the full amount, and send it in to
us today! Make it as easy for him as you possibly can-simple and
direct. And by all means, make sure your address is on the order
form he is supposed to complete and mail in to you-your name and
address on the order form, as well as just above it. People
sometimes fill out the coupon, tear it off, seal it in an
envelope and don't know where to send it. The easier you make it
for him to respond, the more responses you'll get!
There you have it, a complete short course on how to write ads
that will pull more orders for you-sell more of your product for
you. It's important to learn "why" ads are written as they are-to
understand and use, the "master formula" in your own ad writing
By conscientiously studying good advertising copy, and practice
in writing ads of your own, now that you have the knowledge and
understand what makes advertising copy work, you should be able
to quickly develop your copywriting abilities to produce order
pulling ads for your own products. Even so, and once you do
become proficient in writing ads for your own products, you must
never stop "noticing" how ads are written, designed and put
together by other people. To stop learning would be comparable to
shutting yourself off from the rest of the world.
The best ad writers are people with the world in which they live.
Every time they see a good ad, they clip it out and save it.
Regularly, they pull out these files of good ads and study them,
always analysing what makes them good, and why they work. there
is no school in the country that can give you the same kind of
education and expertise so necessary in the field of ad writing.
You must keep yourself up-to-date, aware of, and in-the-know
about the other guy-his innovations, style changes, and the
methods he is using to sell his product. On-the-job
training-study and practice-that's what it takes- and if you've
got that burning ambition to succeed, you can do it too!

Classifieds are best used to build your mailing list of qualified
prospects. Use classifieds to offer a free catalog, booklet or
report relative to your product line.

Generally, anything and everything, so long as it doesn't cost
more than five dollars which is about the most people will pay in
response to an offer in the classifieds. These types of ads are
great for pulling inquires such as: Write for further
information; Send $3, get two for the price of one; Dealers
wanted, send for product info and a real money making kit!
All twelve months of the year! Responses to your ads during some
months will be slower in accumulating, but by keying your ads
according to the month they appear, and a careful tabulation of
your returns from each keyed ad, you'll see that steady year
round advertising will continue to pull orders for you,
regardless of the month it's published. I've personally received
inquires and orders from ads placed as long as 2 years previous
to the date of the response!

The least effective are the ad sheets. most of the ads in these
publications are "exchange ads", meaning that the publisher of ad
sheet "A" runs the ads of publisher "B" without charge, because
publisher "B" is running the ads of publisher "A" without charge.
The "claimed" circulation figures of these publications are
almost always based on "wishes, hopes and wants" while the "true"
circulation goes out to similar small, part time mail order
dealers. Very poor medium for investing advertising dollars
because everyone receiving a copy is a "seller" and nobody is
buying. When an ad sheet is received by someone not involved in
mail order, it's usually given a cursory glance and then
discarded as "junk mail".
Tabloid newspaper are slightly better than the ad sheets, but not
by much! The important difference with the tabloids is in the
"helpful information" articles they try to carry for the mail
order beginner. A "fair media" recruiting dealers or independent
sales reps for mail order products, and for renting mailing
lists, but still circulated among "sellers" with very few buyers.
Besides that, the life of a mail order tab sheet is about the
same as a daily newspaper.
With mail order magazines, it depends on the quality of the
publication and its business concepts. Some mail order magazines
are nothing more than expanded ad sheets, while others--such as
BOOK BUSINESS MART- strive to help the opportunity seekers with
an on going advice and tips he can use in the development and
growth of his own wealth building projects. BOOK BUSINESS MART is
not just the fastest growing publication on the mail order scene
today; it's also the first publication in more than 20 years to
offer real help anyone can use in achieving his own version of
the "American Dream" of building one's own business from a
"shoestring beginning" into a multi-million dollar empire!

First of all, you have to determine who your prospective buyers
are. Then do a little bit of market research. Talk to your
friends, neighbours and people at random who might fit this
profile. Ask them if they would be interested in a product such
as yours, and then ask them which publications they read. Next,
go to your public library for a listing of the publications of
this type from the Standard Rate & Data Service catalogues.
Make a list of the addresses, circulation figures, reader
demographics and advertising and decide which is the true costs
of your advertising and decide which is the better buy, divide
the total audited circulation figure into the cost for a one inch
ad; $10 per inch with a publication showing 10,000 circulation
would be 10,000 into $10 or 10 cents per thousands. Looking at
the advertising rates for BOOK BUSINESS MART, you would tale
42,500 into $15 for and advertising rate of less then THREE
TENTHS OF ONE CENT PER THOUSAND. Obviously, your best buy in this
case would be BOOK BUSINESS MART because of the lowest price per
Write and ask for a sample copies of the magazines you've
tentatively chosen to place your advertising in. Look over their
advertising-be sure that they don't or won't put your ad in the
"gutter" which is the inside column next to the binding. How many
other mail order type ads are they carrying-you want to go with a
publication that is busy, not one that has only a few ads. The
more ads in the publication, the better response the advertisers
are getting, or else they wouldn't be investing their money in
the publication.
To "properly" test your ad, you should let it run thru at least
three consecutive issues of any publication. If your responses
are small, try a different publication. Then, if your responses
are still small, look at your ad and think about rewriting it for
greater appeal, and pulling power. In a great many instances,
it's the ad not the publication's pulling power that is at fault!

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When you're doing research or looking for information on a
particular subject, it's a lot like a detective checking all his
possible clues. The important thing is knowing who and where your
sources are.
In almost all instances, your first move should be to your
encyclopaedia. if you don't have an up-to-date set, there's always
your public library.
Most of the time, and encyclopaedia will give you at least the
general facts about your subject. You may have to check other
sources for more detailed information.
Thus, your next move should be books that have been written on
the subject. The subject and title sections of the card catalogue
or the bound volumes of computer printouts in most public
libraries will give you plenty of listings.
After you've selected a number of books for background
information, check the magazines either directly related to your
subject, or those carrying articles on the subject. Most of the
time, you'll find that magazines will provide you with more
up-to-date timely information than books.
To check out information on your subject in magazines, look in
the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. Under subject and
author headings, the complete collection of this guide will list
articles printed in magazines since the turn of the century. The
Suggestions For Use section will instruct you on how to read the
codes under each heading. If you can't find your subject listed,
think of similar subjects that might be related.
If your subject is part of a particular field of study, there may
be a special index that will help you. Among these special
indexes, you'll find: Art Index, Business Periodicals Index,
Consumers Index, Education Index, Humanities Index, Social
Science Index, Biological and Agricultural Index, and Applies
Sciences and Technology Index. You'll even find a Popular
Periodicals Index which lists articles that have appeared in
currently popular magazines.
You'll also find that most newspapers are veritable goldmines of
reference material. Most of the big city newspapers have
computerized indexes. Several of the special national newspapers
such as Wall Street Journal also have reference indexes.
Without a doubt, the New York Times Index is the most complete.
In these newspaper indexes, subjects and people are listed
alphabetically with the date, page number, and usually with the
number of columns devoted to that particular story. About all you
have to do to avail yourself of this information is to stop by
the newspaper office, tell them the kind of information you're
looking for, and ask their help in locating it within their
FACTS ON FILE: is a world news digest that's found at most public
libraries. This is a weekly publication that's broken down into
four categories; World Affairs, U.S Affairs, Other Nations, and
EDITORIALS ON FILE: is a similar service that comes out twice
each month. It is a survey of newspaper editorials than span a
wide range of subjects.
If you want to known about business trends, you should ask for
and look at the Moody's reports. These cover banking and finance,
industry and public utilities.
Most large libraries also keep pamphlet files for brochures from
various information services and government agencies. Be sure to
ask about these.
Whenever you have a question or want more information on a
subject, always check first in the material that has been written
about it. Public libraries and newspapers are free, and will
definitely point you in the right direction even if you don't
know much about sources.
One of the best sources of information is people. Ask around and
more often than not, you'll find someone right in your own area
who is well versed on your subject. An introductory phone call
and an explanation as why you're researching the subject will
almost always lead you to many people who'll be glad to talk with
Interviewing and talking with people will give you the chance to
ask questions and hear specific explanations about details that
may not be fully covered in a book, newspaper or other
Researching and gathering information on a particular subject can
be fun, exciting, and very informative. It will never be dull or
boring. The important thing is to search out all the available
sources, and then to take advantage of them. From there, you'll
find it's very much like putting a jigsaw puzzle together; the
closer you get to completing the picture, the more excited you
Many people find that when they begin a research project on a
specific subject, they quickly uncover so many interesting
related subjects that it's hard to confine their enthusiasm to
just the one subject. This is what learning is all about,
regardless of the use you eventually make of the informative you
gather. The more you learn, the more you want to learn.
Curiosity about all things, and good, basic research are the
prime requisites for any successful writer. To have read about or
experienced only a few aspects of a given subject won't interest
very many people. What the people want is a thorough discussion
of the subject from as many different points of view as possible.
This, of course, requires research, and to do research, you have
to know where to find the material you want.
Hopefully, we've "turned you own" with the idea that the
information you're interested in is available and virtually at
your fingertips. All it takes is just a bit of effort on your
part to avail yourself of it. Just remember, whatever has been
thought of or dreamed of by man since the reasonable amount of

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One of the easiest ways to making extra money is with a camera.
More people own cameras than radios, and photography is the
fastest growing hobby in the world. Yet using a camera as an
extra income tool is largely overlooked!
With a little imagination, a flair for showmanship, and just a
hint of showmanship, the average man or woman, or even teenager,
can easily make an extra $300 a week with his camera.
You don't have to have one of the popular, more expensive cameras
either, or a lot of high priced attachments and equipment. in
many instances, a Polaroid or other "off-the-shelf" camera will
suit the purposes perfectly. The only special piece of extra
equipment you may want to invest in would be a tripod for
mounting the camera in certain situations.
One of the easiest ideas is to visit a children's clothing store
in one of the busy shopping centers, or the children's department
in one of the large department stores. Sell the manager or store
owner on the idea of your setting up in a corner of the store or
department, and taking pictures of the shoppers' children. He can
promote the fact that you'll be in the store taking pictures for
a special prices during certain hours---perhaps on Friday
evenings and all day Saturdays---in his advertising, thus drawing
more patrons into his store because of you.
You'll need a sheet or plain piece of material, or some sort of
imaginative set for a background. But this can be easily make or
build yourself. You should also have an eye-catching poster that
calls attention to what you're doing and the prices you're
charging. Unless you're a commercial artist, spend the money to
have this sign made for you by a professional. The next and last
thing you'll need will be a two-part receipt or coupon.
This can be a simple piece of paper about 2 inches wide by 5
inches long. On the left side draw lines for your customers to
fill in their name, telephone number and address. You might also
want to include space for additional information such as the
child's name and age and number of children in the family, for
future efforts, but keep it brief and simple.
On the right side of this coupon, have your business name,
address and telephone number, plus a quick outline of the
different kinds of photography work you handle, and perhaps a
business slogan such as "Satisfaction Guaranteed or You Don't
To add a little bit of class to this coupon, take the basic
outline of this idea over to a instant print shop. Tell them what
you want; show them your outline; and have them typeset
everything. Then put a fancy border around the whole coupon and
have it printed on coloured paper. The best colour is a "dollar
bill" shade of green. If you want to give it even more class, you
could have it printed on green, lightweight card stock. You'll
want to divide the "information" side of this coupon from the
"business card" side with a dotted line and perforations.
If you layout this coupon properly, you should be able to get six
of them on an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper or card stock. This
means the printer can print and cut 6,000 of them for about the
same cost as printing circulars or flyers.
On your printing, shop around for the best deal, but in the end,
it shouldn't cost more than $60 for all 6,000 coupons which will
come those 1,000 sheets of paper or card stock.
Now, when you take a person's picture, regardless of whether it's
an "in-store" set-up out on the golf course, or along the street,
you give your customer one of your coupon-receipts and tell them
their prints will be ready in a couple of days. They fill in the
information part of the coupon and give it back to you, retaining
your "business card" portion of it.
When the prints are ready, you can phone the customer and remind
him--volunteer to deliver and collect; send them through the mail
with a bill; or make arrangements with a store to take care of
them until the people call for them and pay at that time.
Most stores, golf courses, bowling centres, and other retail
merchants will be glad to handle this part of it for you, because
it brings the customers back into the places of business, and
provides another sales opportunity for them.
By all means, be sure to include an advertising circular with
each set of pictures you deliver. This circular should explain
how the customer can get more prints, how he can get enlargements
of his favourites, and details relating to all the other
photography services you offer.
Back to the original "in-store" picture taking set-up during
evening shopping hours and on weekends for extra income. You can
call attention to your "in-store" set-up, and bring in more
business with a few merchandising promotional ideas. In the
following paragraphs we give the highlights of a few ideas that
have worked well. However, you should keep your eyes open to
observe additional promotional ideas that could be adapted to fit
your new business.
Dress a helper in a clown suit, and take pictures of the kids in
his lap or with his arm around the kids. Put a sandwich
advertising board on a helper and let him stroll through the
shopping centre advertising the fact that you're in a Kiddies
Clothing store taking pictures.
Promote a "Baby of The Year" contest where you can take pictures
of the babies, display the pictures on a "show board" and offer
$100 cash plus a merchandise prize in a big drawing at the end of
the year.
Set up a booth in the mall and promote "Instant Snapshots." Be a
Roving Photographer and take candid shots of shoppers and promote
a "Shopper Of The Year" contest. Work with a clown and have him
"attach himself" to the kids, and ask if they'd like to have
their pictures taken with him. Build and inexpensive and portable
set, such as an airplane, a race car, bucking bronco,
hand-shaking scene with a famous person or "balloon figures" and
take pictures of the people standing in or on these sets.
Get out to the golf course and take pictures of the golfers
teeing off. Get over to the bowling centers and take candid shots
of the bowlers in action. Do the same thing wherever there's a
sports event taking place. Be on the spot and ready whenever
there's an opportunity to take team pictures.
You might follow, or hire someone else to follow a Little League
team through its season, taking candid and action shots. You then
arrange the best pictures in a photo album with the team's name
and year on front. You should be able to sell one of these albums
to each member of the team.
There's also the idea of "just" strolling through the park" on a
Sunday afternoon. You can take candid and interesting pictures of
couples, children and people in general spending time with their
Keep tabs on the announcements of new births. Send advertising
literature to the new mothers, and follow up with a phone call
efforts to set up photography sessions.
Keep tabs on the engagement notices in the weekend papers. Send
your sales literature to the brides-to-be, and follow up with
phone call efforts to take the wedding pictures.
Set up a household and business photo inventory service. With
this idea, you contact the insurance companies and determine if
they will approve and endorse photographs you take of their
policy holders' household, personal, and business property in
loss claims.
Most will, and from there--working either with the help of an
insurance agent, the agency itself, or on your own--contact
owners of property and sell them on the idea of you taking
pictures of the household goods they have insured. You take the
pictures--a pictorial inventory of everything they're claiming or
would like to claim on an insurance policy--and then identify the
pictures, giving one set to the property owner and the other set
to his insurance agent or company.
Picture inventories of household and personal property is still a
new thing, but everywhere it's been introduced, it's definitely
proven to be a super money- maker for the people willing to get
out and hustle.
If this idea arouses your interest, you might want to check into
a going franchise operation that gives you a complete business
manual, operations guidebook, and on-going consultant services:
Photographic Inventory, PO Box 4046, Morgantown, WV 26505.
Once you decide that using your camera to generate extra income
is what you're going to do, get out and use your camera, start
taking pictures, and allow yourself the opportunity to build.
Give yourself the chance, and you'll quickly begin to think of
hundreds of ideas for taking pictures, merchandising ideas for
promoting your services, and sales angles for increasing your
The important thing is to get started, regardless of how small
your start, and begin cashing in on an idea that's still in its
infancy. This is an idea that can produce new concepts for profit
every day of the week. An idea that can be fun, as well as
financially rewarding for you!
You've got the idea and the plan--the rest is up to you. You've
got the ball; now run with it!

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In these days, it's becoming increasingly difficult to make ends
meet with just one source of income. Thus, more and more people
are investigating the possibilities of starting their own
extra-income business. Most of these part-time endeavours are
started and operated from the comfort and privacy of the home.
Most of these people are making the extra money they need. Some
have wisely and carefully built these extra income efforts into
full-time, very profitable businesses. Others are just keeping
busy, having fun, and enjoying life as never before. The
important thing is that they are doing something other than
waiting for the government to give them a handout; they are
improving their lot in life, and you can do it, too!
The fields of mail order selling, multi-level marketing, and
in-home party sales have never been more popular. If any of
these kinds of extra income producing ideas appeal to you, then
you owe it to yourself to check them out. But these aren't the
only fields of endeavour you can start and operate from home,
with little or no investment, and learn as you go.
If you type, you can start a home-based typing service; if you
have a truck or have access to a trailer, you can start a
clean-up/hauling service. Simply collecting old newspapers from
your neighbours can get you started in the paper recycling
business. More than a few enterprising housewife's have found
success and fortune by starting home and/or apartment cleaning
services. If you have a yard full of flowers, you can make good
extra money by supplying fresh cut flowers to restaurants and
offices in your area on a regular basis. You might turn a
ceramics hobby into a lucrative personalized coffee mug
business. What I'm saying is that in reality, there's literally
no end to the ways you can start and operate a profitable extra
income business from your home.
The first thing you must do, however, is some basic market
research. Find out for yourself, first-hand, just how many
people there are in your area who are interested in your
proposed product or service, and would be "willing to stand in
line and pay money for it". This is known as defining your
market and pinpointing your customers. If after checking
around, talking about your idea with a whole lot of people over
a period of one to three months, you get the idea that these
people would be paying customers, your next effort should be
directed toward the "detailing" of your business plan. The more
precise and detailed your plan - covering all the bases relating
to how you'll do everything that needs to be done - the easier
it's going to be for you to attain success. Such a plan should
show you start-up investment needs, your advertising plan, your
production costs and procedure, your sales program, and how your
time will be allocated. Too often, enthusiastic and ambitious
entrepreneur jump in on an extra income project and suddenly
find that the costs are beyond their abilities, and the time
requirements more than they can meet. It pays to lay it all out
on paper before you get involved, and the clearer you can "see"
everything before you start, the better your chances for success.
Now, assuming you've got your market targeted, you know who your
customers are going to be and how you're going to reach them
with your product or service. And you have all your costs as
well as time requirements itemized. The next step is to set
your plan in motion and start making money.
Here is the most important "secret" of all, relating to starting
and building a profitable home-based business, so read very
carefully. Regardless of what kind of business you start, you
must have the capital and the available time to sustain your
business through the first six months of operation.
Specifically, you must not count on receiving or spending any
money coming in from your business on yourself or for your bills
during those first six months. All the income from your
business during those first six months should be reinvested in
your business in order for it to grow and reach your planned
first year potential.
Once you've passed that first six months milestone, you can set
up a small monthly salary for yourself, and begin enjoying the
fruits of your labour. But the first six months of operation for
any business are critical, so do not plan to use any of the
money you business generates for yourself during that period.
If you've got your business plan properly organized, and have
implemented the plan, you should at the end of your first year
be able to begin thinking about hiring other people to alleviate
some of your workload. Remember this: Starting a successful
business is not a means towards either a job for yourself or a
way to keep busy. It should be regarded as the beginning of an
enterprise that will grow and prosper, with you as the top dog.
Eventually, you'll have other people doing all the work for you,
even running the entire operation, while you vacation in the
Bahamas or Hawaii and collect or receive regular income from
your initial efforts.
For more details on market research, business planning,
advertising, selling, order fulfilment, and other aspects of
home-based businesses, check with the distributor from whom you
received this report.

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Today, there are hundreds of enterprising men and women who
write simple research papers (known in the mail order trade as
FOLIOS) and sell them by mail. In the pages that follow, I'll
show you how you can do the same. I'll show you how to select a
subject, how to research it, how to write it, how to get it
printed, and how to sell it.
I'll show you the four ways to sell it. If you are new to folio
selling, I'll show you which of the four ways would be the best
for you. I hope you will read what follows very carefully and
very thoughtfully. THERE ARE NO CATCHES. I have nothing more
to sell you (unless you want to read some of the other folios
which I have written). I hope the information which follows can
be of real benefit to you. That is why I have written it!

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A folio can be called a booklet, a pamphlet, a report, a
newsletter, a guide, an instruction manual, a plan, a
manuscript, etc. etc. A folio is simply an easy-to-understand
manual which shows the reader "How To" do something that he does
not already know how to do. Most folios show the reader...
* How to start or expand a hobby
* How to develop new abilities or qualities
* How to start a new business or expand an old one
* How to prepare for a new career
* How to make or save money
* How to spend leisure time.
A well written folio is authoritative, factual, and helpful. It
should be written in simple, easily understood language. It can
be anything from a brief two-page mimeographed report to a
professionally printed book bound in hardback cover. People who
purchase folios by mail are interested in the information they
contain. Seldom do they care what brand of paper the
information is printed on.
Pick up almost any magazine at a newsstand that carries
classified advertising and you will find ads written by people
who are selling their folios by mail. Here are sample ads from
magazines lying here on my desk.
"Be secure, confident, successful! Learn the secret of personal
power $2.00"
"Why grow old and die? Li Chung Yun lived 256
years. You could too! learn how - $2.00"
"Secrets of the Spirit World! Only 60 cents post-paid!"
"Guide to Witches Covens - $2.00"
"Traffic Tickets? Beat them, step by step method. $1.95
"Learning Bridge? Send $2.95 for small 20 page guide."
"Fluorescent Tubes rejuvenated at no cost. Instructions $1.00."
"Learn the secret of making every pair of slacks you sew fit
perfectly, Only $1.00"
"10 Wonder Working Prayers. Enrich, strengthen your life!
$1.00 guaranteed."
"Enjoy camping inside your Volkswagon. Do it yourself Plans -
"Homemade Cheese! Hard soft, and cottage! Make it yourself!
Easy. Delicious. Complete instructions, recipes $1.00"
"Toronto Area Job Opportunities - $1.00"
"Ship in Bottle. Instructions, Drawing. $1.00"

If you can produce a "How to Do It" Manual that is NOVEL,
INTERESTING and genuinely HELPFUL, you can do what the
advertisers above have done. You can print it yourself and sell
it by mail!
You should write
* ONLY on subjects that REALLY interest you, and
* on subjects that you already know something about.
For example, if you just love to cook, write a folio on cooking.
If people like the first folio they buy from you, they will buy
other folios in the future, as long as they are on the same
basic subject. If you write on a subject that really does not
interest you very much, you will be bored to death by the time
you get to your third folio!
Ask yourself... what do I do with my spare time? Write a folio
about THAT!
Make yourself an expert on the subject! Talk to friends and
neighbours. Ask questions. Read books, newspapers, and magazines
on the subject. Ask your librarian for suggestions. As you
read, KEEP NOTES ON EVERYTHING. When you have read everything
you could lay your hands on, sit down and study your notes.
Read them over slowing and carefully. Then lay the notes aside
and think about the whole subject for a day or two. You will be
amazed at what your mind will do with the subject if you have
research it thoroughly!
Here's a tip from a professional writer. Sit down and pretend
that you are a person who knows absolutely nothing about the
subject. Write down FIFTEEN QUESTIONS that such a person might
ask you. Then write out, in your own words, the answers to the
fifteen questions. Do not try to be literary! When you are
finished, lay it aside for a day or two.
Then re-read it with a red pencil, crossing out all unnecessary
words and sentences, inserting a new point here and there.
REWRITE the whole thing, and you will be amazed to discover that
your folio is ready to be published!
Type it as neatly as possible on 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE typing paper.
Single space it, leaving two lines between each paragraph. Take
it to a local PHOTO-OFFSET printer who will make a few hundred
copies for you, very reasonably, usually within 24 hours. If
you have more than four pages, have it printed on both sides of
the paper. It will lower your printing costs slightly, and it
will save you extra postage in the future. To give your folio a
professional touch, have it printed on canary yellow, pink, or
light green paper.
There are four ways:
economically possible, sell it for $1.00 or $2.00 per copy.
(Occasionally $3.00.) Write a brief, eye-catching classified ad
asking those interested to send their orders directly to you.
If your ad is novel, believable, and of genuine interest, you
will be surprised at how many people will do this. If your
folio is about stamp collecting, advertise it in the stamp
collecting papers. If it is about Astrology, advertise it in
the Astrology magazines - to do otherwise is fatal. Be sure to
run your ad in at least three issues. If you have never sold
folios by mail, I sincerely suggest you use this method.
2. ADVERTISE FOR INQUIRIES. If your folio is quite elaborate
and must be sold for $3.00 or more, use this method. Write a
brief, tempting ad describing your folio, and offer free
details. Then mail literature describing the folio to those who
answer the ads. Don't expect more than one inquiry in ten to
buy it from you.
Here are ads placed by folio writers in a recent issue of the
National Enquirer, who use this method:
"Never Won anything? Anyone can win sweepstakes contests! Free
details." "Overweight? I lost 53 pounds. Easily.
(Permanently!) New Method. Information Free.
"Troubles? God can help! Free information." "Make money
clipping newspapers at home spare time. Details Free."
3. DIRECT MAIL. If you have written a folio showing how to get
inventions patented, you could purchase a list of amateur
inventors, and mail your sales literature to each individual on
the list. If you are lucky, you'll sell your folio to about one
person in every twenty-five. Direct mail can be very effective
for experienced mail order operators, but it is usually far too
costly for the beginner. It can easily cost you several hundred
dollars for each one thousand letters you mail.
4. SELLING THROUGH AGENTS. If you are willing to sell your
folio in small wholesale quantities, or if you are willing to
drop-ship folios for mail dealers, then you might find this the
most effective way to market your folios. Below are some ads
placed by folio writers in a recent issue of Specialty Salesman.
"Sell Health Books Mail-order! Write"
"Sell Books by Mail! 400% Profit!"
"Sell Books by Mail. Complete dealer set-up. 25 cents"
"Free Newsletter! Sell Books by mail! We wholesale, dropship."
Some of the above ads have been running ten and twenty years,
indicating that this could be a very successful way to market
your folios.
Over the past two or three years, I have been jotting down ideas
for folios that could be developed and sold by mail. I'm now
printing the whole list for your use. I honestly feel that any
idea on this list could be marketed by mail, if a person had the
ambition and ingenuity to develop it.
Nick Daws Course
... Classic ground-breaking course shows how to write any book in under a month
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You are free to use any idea on this list. I have NOT checked
to see if any of the titles have been copyrighted. If they
have, create a new one. Also, you are free to change the titles
around to suit your own situation. For example, "Summer Jobs in
Nevada" could become, "Summer Jobs in New York City". I'm sure
you get the point.
Good luck to you!
Plan your Wedding Now!
Plan your Honeymoon
What to Wear at your Wedding
Cooking Tips for Newlyweds
Do you need a Marriage Counsellor?
Living on a Budget
How to Survive Divorce
How to Get a Divorce
Teach your Husband to Cook!
Organize your Housework
Alimony Laws Made Simple
How to be a successful Father
How to Win a Fight with your Husband
Marry a Man with Money
Poor Men make Better Husbands
So, You're Expecting a Baby!
Does your Child take Drugs?
Don't Spank your Child!
Select the Right Names for your Baby!
Inspire your Child to Learn
Can your Boy Defend Himself?
Listen to Your Child
How to Raise an only Child
Teach your Child to Read
Choosing a Babysitter
Loving an Adopted Child
Keep your Child Busy!
Tell your Child about Sex
How to Select a Baby Doctor
Understanding your Teenager
Which Summer Camp for your Child?
Teach your Son a Trade
Facts about Childbirth for Husbands
A Parents Guide to Dangerous Drugs
Save Money on your Clothing Bill
Mother's Guide to Thrift Shop Buying
Where & How to Apply for a Loan
Better Health through Better Eating
How to Trace your Family Tree
Families without Fathers
Does your Child Eat Right?
What Unwed Mothers Should Know
Ten Ways to Close a Sale
Sell it at the Flea Market!
Is selling for You?
Ten Successful Selling Tips
How to Improve your Sales Technique
Why People Buy
How to Sell Sporting Goods
Positive Thinking makes the Difference
Directory of Direct Selling Firms
How to Get Leads by Telephone
How to Recruit Salesmen
How to Throw a Cocktail Party
24 Ideas for your next Birthday Party
Make your next Shower a Real Success!
How to be a Gracious Hostess
The Office Party Guide
Turn an Ordinary Meal into a FEAST!
How to Make Better Cocktails
Glamour Tips for Teenagers
Beauty Tips for the Expectant Mother
Every Woman Can be Beautiful
Apply Make-up like a Professional
Your Personality makes the Difference
What Colour is Best for YOU?
How to Achieve the Natural Look
Choosing the Right Hair Style for You
How to Chart your Horoscope
Selecting a Career through Astrology
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Apply Astrology to your Daily Life
Astrology Made Simple
Your Future is in the Stars!
How to Read the Zodiac
Build your own Greenhouse
Grow what you Eat!
How to Grow Gorgeous Roses
Beginners Guide to Landscaping
How to Grow Food in an Apartment
Introduction to Antique Collecting
Facts about Antique Auctions
How to Sell Antiques
Let's Go to an Antique Show
How to Become an Antique Dealer
Directory of Antique Publications
How to Detect Fake Antiques
How to Restore Antiques
Writing Mystery Stories
How to Write Poetry
Writing Gags for Television
How to Write for Newspapers
Start a Writers Club
Opportunities in Ghost Writing
Can you Write Science Fiction?
How to Write for Trade Papers
Writing for Children
Today's Market for Short Stories
How to Write for Religious Magazines
How to Plot a Novel
Write Pornography! It Sells!
Selecting a Literary Agent
How to Write Book Review
How to Review Plays and Movies
Become a Music Critic
What they NEVER Tell you in Writing School!
Decorating Tips for Your Bedroom
Thirteen Ways to Beautify your Kitchen
How to Decorate your Windows
Decorate Like a Professional!
Patios Can be Beautiful
Beginner's Guide to Drapery Making
Wallpaper makes the Difference
Glamour in your Bathroom
Selecting Plants for your Home
Repair your own Camera
Photo Retouching for Beginners
Become a Professional Photographer
How to make Better Home Movies
Selecting the Right Camera for You
Build your own Dark Room
Become a Wedding Photographer
Where to Sell your Photography
Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors
Fund Raising Ideas for your Church
Twelve Ways to Increase your Church Attendance
Projects for Vacation Bible School
How to use Chalk Talks Effectively
How to Prepare a Sermon
Put some ZIP into your Church Bulletin
Every Parishioner - an Evangelist!
Choir Practice Can be Fun
Keep the Older Members Happy
Teaching Tips for Sunday School Teachers
Have you been Called to the Priesthood?
Religious Vocations for Women
Plan a Prayer Breakfast
How to Tune you own Car
Save Money on Auto Parts
Revitalize your Transmission
How to Test a Car Before you Buy!
Repair the Brakes Yourself
How to Raise your Kitten
Tricks your Dog can Learn
Build your own Aquarium
Fashion Tips for your Poodle
How to Operate a Dog Kennel
How to Start a Pet Shop
Dog Grooming Opportunities
How to Win at the next Dog Show
Do Snakes make good Pets?
The Successful Way to Raise Rabbits
Overcome your Fear of Flight
How to Obtain a Passport
Vacation Planning Tips
Travel Tips for Honeymooners
Let's Go Camping
Ghost Towns you should See
How to Survive in the Wilderness
Vacationing in the Desert
Plan a Hiking trip
How to Become a Blackjack Dealer
Job Opportunities in Las Vegas
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Win at the Race Track!
How to Play Keno
Baccarat for Beginners
Roulette Self Taught
Why Gambling should be Legalized
Handbook for Poker Players
How to Win at 21
Better Bingo!
Improve your Pinochle Game
How to Cure a Compulsive Gambler
How to Paint Landscapes
Make your own Picture Frames
Oil Painting for Beginners
Working with Acrylics
Introduction to Water Colors
How to Exhibit your Paintings
How to Buy Art Supplies
How to Model for Art Classes
How to Sketch Portraits
Working with Chalks
Start a Stamp Collection
Stamp Mixtures can be Fun
Organize a Stamp Collectors Club
How to Find a Stamp Collectors Club
Stamps by Country or Topic - Which
How to sell your Stamp Collection
Let's Visit a Stamp Auction!
How to Sell Stamp Packets by Mail
Start an Approval Business for Stamp Collectors!
Recognizing Rare Stamps
Investing in Stamps
Working with Leather
Pottery Making for Beginners
Make your own Jewelry
How to make Beautiful Dolls
Introduction to Metal Enameling
How to make Puppets
Making a Potter's Wheel
Craft Projects for pre-school children
Profits in Indian Jewelry
How to make Stained Glass Windows
Like Working with Beads?
Make your own Christmas Cards
Directory of Wholesale Handcraft Supplies
How to Build Doll Houses
Christmas Decorations You can Make
Knitting & Crocheting Ideas for the Beginner
Selling Handmade Crafts at Art Shows
Candlemaking for Beginners
Weave your own Rugs
The Art of Shellcraft
Selling Handcrafts on Consignment
Needlepoint for Beginners
Decorating Glass
The Art of Papier-mache
An Introduction to Ceramics
Conducting Handcraft Classes
Create your own Ear Rings
54 New Quilt Patterns
Making Gifts from Throw-aways
The Basics of Macrame
Decoupage: An Introduction
What you can make from Macrame
Christmas Crafts for Children
Bread Dough Art for Beginners
How to Ask for a Raise
Write your own Resume
Earn Money Tutoring
Dance your Way to Stardom
Your Future in Physics
Careers in Astronomy
How to Dress for Job Interviews
Become a Professional Astrologer
Raising Funds for Profit
Gun Repairing as a Career
Opportunities Unlimited for Commercial Artists!
Have Fun! Be a Ski Instructor!
Job Opportunities in Law Enforcement
Can YOU Manage Apartments?
Become a Book Finder
Writing for Small Town Newspapers
Opportunities in Advertising
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Is there a Place in Television for You?
Show Business Opportunity Guide
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Environmental Careers
Your Aptitude and your Job
A Career in Nursing for You!
How to Break into Public Relations
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Be a Management Consultant
Your Future as a Travel Agent
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Wanted! Aviation Mechanics
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Job Opportunities for Women in Alaska
Can you Counsel Alcoholics?
Guide to Professional Acting Schools
How to Become a Recording Artist
Finding Satisfaction in your Job
Should you be a Social worker?
How to be a Strip Tease Dancer
How to Run a Garage Sale
Making Money with old Comic Books
Start a Shopping service
How to Start a Trade Paper
There's Money in Turquoise
Cash in on Today's Hobby Market!
Investing in Real Estate
Twenty Ways to Get Rich Quick!
How to be your own Boss
Turn your ideas into DOLLARS!
Your Town Needs a Typing Service!
Open an Art Gallery
How to Start a Delivery Service
Collecting Bills can be Profitable
How to Start a Mobile Home Park
Start a Bookkeeping Service
Penpals are Big Business!
Cash in on the Nostalgia Craze
Form your own Rock Group!
Start a Resume Bureau
Teach Children How to Dance
Profits in Auctions
Business Enterprises for College Students
Collect Coins for Fun and Profit
Chess: Self Taught
Boat Building for Beginners
Let's Go to a Boat Show!
Bicycle your Way to Better Health
How to Repair your Bicycle
Let's Motor Bike!
How to Join a Motorcycle Club
How to Repair your Motorcycle
How to Enter a Chess Tournament
Start your own Chess Club!
How to Collect Military Medals
200 Things you can Collect
Collecting Paper Weights
Gun Collecting as a Hobby
Collecting Nazi relics
Guide to Antique Car Collecting
How to Collect Gems and Minerals
Become a Silent Film Buff
Model Railroading: An Introduction
How to Collect Old Postcards
How to Build Model Airplanes
Collecting Postmarks
Go Fly a Kite!
How to Perform Magic Tricks
Gardening - America's Number One Hobby
Guide to Seashell Collecting
Tips for Radio Hams
Collect Bottles for Fun and Profit
How to Collect Autographs
Collecting Old Automobile Manuals
Do you Collect old Magazines?
Book Collecting for Beginners
Protect Yourself from Muggers
Protect your Home from Burglary
How to Handle Obscene Phone Calls
How to Say "No" to a Salesman
Defend Yourself from Rape
How to File for Bankruptcy
How to Sublet Your Apartment
How to Sell Your Home
Investing in Jewelry
What YOU Should Know about Banking
How to Buy Stocks and Bonds
Get Creditors Off Your Back
What Credit Bureaus Know about You
How to Balance Your Checkbook
How to Save on Your Hospital Bills
How to Enter Professional Football
Improve Your Swimming Strokes
Can You Handle Racing Cars?
How to Play Better Baseball
Wrestling Holds: An Introduction
Guide to Ski Resorts
Amateur Boxing Guide
Know Your Hunting Rifle
Let's Go Trout Fishing
Tennis for Beginners
Keep in Shape! Bowl!
Treasure Hunting Can Be Fun
Let's Go Deer Hunting!
The Thrill of Salt Water Fishing
Jog Your Way to Health
How to Lift Weights
Build Your Own Gym!
Ice Hockey: An Introduction
Play Basketball!
Are You Interested in Wild Game Hunting?
Body Building Tips
What to Wear in the Jungle!
Witchcraft Secrets Revealed
True Mystical Experiences
Your Handwriting Reveals the Real You!
ESP for Beginners
Yoga for Beginners
You Can Change Your Destiny
An Introduction to Hypnotism
Relax! Learn to Meditate
The Hitchhikers Manual
You Can Be a TV Contestant!
Facts Every Inventor Should Know
How to Enjoy the Opera
Living in a Mobile Home
How to Read Blueprints
How They Make TV Commercials
Are Your Employees Stealing from You?
How to Prepare a Publicity Release
Understanding the Stock Market
Effective Lecturing for Beginners
All about Mutual Funds
How to Pass a Lie Detector Test
Get Free Publicity for your Business
How to Pan for Gold
How to Select the Perfect Gift
How to Remove Tattoos
How to Learn Tattooing
Sewing Tips (From a Professional!)
Make Your Own Cheese
Directory of UFO Groups
Build Your Own Canoe
How to be a Ventriloquist
The Florida Flea Market Guide
101 Ways to Decorate a Cake
How to Identify Counterfeit Money
Guide to Professional Cooking Schools
Facts about Franchises
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How to Meet Celebrities
Guide to Radio Talk Shows
How to Adjust to a New Neighborhood
Recipes for Homemade Jelly
How to Conduct a Political Campaign
How to Hold a Fashion Show!
How to Move - Easily, Economically
Handbook for Street Musicians
How to Mold Public Opinion
How to Spot a Potential Suicide
How to Train a Hunting Dog
Ten Old-Fashioned Cold Remedies
Facts about Arthritis
My Life with Polio
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